2019 CCW Chespear Sparkling Albariño

This wine has wonderful citrus and tropical aromas mixed with apple and mild baking yeast. Star fruit flavors
and more apple are complemented with a nice creamy finish. Delicious for special occasions or just hanging
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Wine Specs
Vineyard Designation
Horse Heaven Hills AVA
Harvest Date
Aug. 23, 2019
Residual Sugar
5 g/l
Alcohol %
Wine Profile
Tasting Notes
The aromas are tropical, and citrus mixed with a classic yeasty note. This is our 4th sparkling wine made with Albarino and we love the trajectory of this wine. The fruit is bright and playful with enough body to compliment the refreshing bubbles. Drink now or age for the next decade.
Vineyard Notes
Vineyard Source: Coyote Canyon Vineyard
AVA: Horse Heaven Hills
Grower Degree Days:
Precipitation: inches
Pick Date: August 23rd, 2019
Winemaker Notes
This has been an amazing project to work on here at Coyote Canyon. Albarino has always been one of my favorite varietals and the opportunity to make a sparkling wine using this grape made me excited. This is the 4th vintage we have made, and each seems a little better than the last. Still homing in on the optimal picking time, I am very happy with the way this one is tasting. The Albarino characteristics show very well, adding a zesty tropical note that goes well with the yeasty aromas.